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"If you’re a freak like me, Wave your flag! If you’re a freak like me, Get off your ass! It’s our time now, To let it all hang out!" I am a recovering English major, closet bibliophile, breve addicted, zombie lover with a rockabilly and heavy metal fetish.
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Wednesday, December 15, 2010

New Year's Overhaul

When I got home from the gym, I really sat down and finally thought about things.

Getting exercise has been amazing! My hubby has even noticed my increased energy, mood, and general health. I have been plugging away at the gym since August, and I'm very proud of myself. I haven't needed an accountability buddy to keep me going. I have been my own motivation, and that is really affirming. And, even though a lot of weight has not been lost, I feel sexy! For the first time, in a LONG time, I feel sexy and hot!

While the exercising has been amazing, my eating options have not been the best. At this point, I am just maintaining my weight: Exercising enough to burn off the calories I consume. I'm tired of that lifestyle. And, yes, I admit that I like soda, I enjoy eating out, not having limitations on what I eat, overeating due to love of food/flavor, etc. But, you know what, I am worth more than that. As discussed in older posts, I come from a long, long line of diabetics. All of my mother's aunts (and mother) have diabetes and my dad has to give himself shots. Even though all of my blood chemistry is awesome, I am still setting off pre-diabetic warning signals. If I die early, I want to due to something outside of my control. I don't want to be sitting here 20+ years from now and wish/regret that I never cared about myself.

Granted, it would be nice to lose weight! But I don't want that my focus. If I eat healthy and continue with the exercise and don't lose weight, *shrug* than I don't. However, I think keeping a tab on my weight is a good thing. For one, I will know what is normal for me and possibly when I hit a plateau.

Anyway, here is the plan:
  • 151 days (5mo) to change blood chemistry/diabetes markers and get into regular healthy eating habits (actually getting a food journal going).
  • By the first week of April, I want to be able to jog 3 miles in about 30 minutes and be able to keep up with Juneau
The strategy:

I need to get back into the habit of weekly menu planning. We are tight for money, so it would save a lot. Well, it did save a lot of money. We were able to stay within our food budget. As for exercise, I'm planning on working through Couch to 5k. I don't want to run a 5k, but it would be awesome to have that ability!

I usually have issues with New Year's resolutions, but this is mine. I'm going to continue heading to the gym 3x/wk and working myself hard. However, while still thinking about being mindful of portion control -- especially on the holidays! -- the major food overhaul will start on January 1, 2011. My counter of 151 days and 3 miles will start on January 1 as well.

Anyways, that's it. It seems kind of daunting, but I know I can do it! sengihnampakgigi


spice2116 said...

such amazing goals!! i think a goal to run is awesome!! i can jog a few seconds but then i stop i just dont like it. i would rather walk fast lol