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"If you’re a freak like me, Wave your flag! If you’re a freak like me, Get off your ass! It’s our time now, To let it all hang out!" I am a recovering English major, closet bibliophile, breve addicted, zombie lover with a rockabilly and heavy metal fetish.
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Monday, November 22, 2010

Why Run . . . ?

. . . Why not?

Since some time in August, exercise has revolved around shredding it on the elliptical machine, 10-15 min of stretching, and ending with weights (I used to end on the treadmill, but I admit to laziness and lack of motivation). However, a job prospect has caught my attention (I'll talk more about this later), and it got me thinking about running. Reading through these inspirational weight-loss blogs, a common theme was running a 5k/marathon. Even one of a former co-worker lost all of her weight by running. And, you know what, I've never been a real big runner. I never got it. It never appealed to me. I'm a sprinter. I have the legs of a sprinter. I'm fast (lol, I used to be).

What's the point of all of this?

Weather and roads permitting, I am starting to work up for a 5k. After spending some time on the internet, I've found some pretty good resources for us "couch surfers" to start the process. They all look really encouraging. After spending approx. 3 months at the gym will give me a leg up. I'm already in the habit of going to the gym 3x/wk, working hard on cardio, strength training, etc.

But, even after all this pep-talk, I'm afraid that I'm getting ahead of myself. That I am expecting too much out of myself and the fitness level I am at. I'm worried that I will lose my drive and not continue with it. However, losing my "running drive" will not force me out of the gym. Even with these doubts and worries running through my head, I have been telling myself, "Whatever. I don't know. What I do know: We're going for it!" The worst that could happen is returning to the elliptical machine.

This job prospect made itself known to me while I was applying for the community service officer. The workforce center though I might be required to fill out a police packet as my app. While filling that out, it caught my attention that the only requirements for applying for a position as a police officer was taking the POST exam and graduating high school. Earlier this afternoon, my hubby suggested I apply for it. After some research online, I found info and practice exams for POST. The exam consists of math, reading comp, and grammar. I missed one question and completed it with time to spare.

This position got me thinking about my physical fitness level. It got me looking at running and working up to it. It feels like a good route to go.

At the moment, I am trying to get my GED together, so I can prove that I got an equivalent to a HS diploma. I have to have the exam taken, proof together, and submit everything by the 12/3. I'm not sure if I am going to have enough time Either way, I'm still working on running.

Juneau has been watching me from her chair. I think she is reading my mind. She is looking at me expecting something. She knows that running will probably more than likely lead to running with her. However, I'm starting out in the rec center first ^_~