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"If you’re a freak like me, Wave your flag! If you’re a freak like me, Get off your ass! It’s our time now, To let it all hang out!" I am a recovering English major, closet bibliophile, breve addicted, zombie lover with a rockabilly and heavy metal fetish.
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Sunday, September 12, 2010

Home Sweet Home

It is amazing how much home feels like home.

On Friday, Angel drove down of a visit. We went to the rec center for some swimming and water slide fun. After that, I got out my stage make-up and turned her into a zombie for the premier of Resident Evil: Afterlife.

The next morning, we left for Greeley and left Juneau at his house. We promptly ran over to Fort Collins as fast as we could, shoveled food down our throat, went to get Angel's tattoo (her appointment was 20min late), and waited for my colour. After finally getting her new ink and touch-up done, I was able to get into Diego's chair. I mentioned some weird bumpy parts of the tattoo, he looked over it and decided that it was still healing. No colouring. I go back in a week or two. It was sad since the trip was planned around it. *shrug* Either way, our traditional gelato-after-tattoo wasn't an option due to an October Fest in old town. But we did find an awesome, homemade ice cream place. We finally got our asses in gear and got back to my brother's house to check on Juneau. His roomie had let her out to be around his dogs. They are big German Shepherds, so I was afraid she would freak out. His youngest bitch was very, very patient and gentle with her. It was the best weekend she ever had! She was so happy! When we go home, she kind of collapsed. She didn't even get up when the front door was opened!!!!

Even though this was another bad weekends food wise, when I tightened my belt, it was on the lowest hole and felt as though it could go tighter without an issue!! When I got the belt, I couldn't have it that low without a lot of smooshing! Every time I check my weight, it has been maintaining and my measurements appear to be the same. I am taking this as a sign! Even after stuffing myself on a Denver omelet before church, eating more than I should at On The Border, and grabbing a chiller and the Human Bean, my belt still could have gone tighter with room too spare! Booya!

While visiting bro, he introduced my to Bullshit with Pen and Teller. It was awesome! He was watching it streaming from Netflicks. I'm going to have to get on a find how many episodes they have available online.

Needless to say, it is good to be home. I wish Angel could have gotten more days off, but I'm happy to have the house to myself. It is hard to really feel at home when entertaining company. If you read this, Angel, I still love you visiting me, and I still wish you could have stayed longer!!!

Hubby is in bed early this evening. Either from lack of sleep or a bug, he isn't feeling well. I'm hoping it's lack of sleep, because I don't want to catch anything!

I'm wasted. The though of going into the rec center for a workout tomorrow really makes me feel . . . ug! I cannot give myself an excuse to get out of it. If I even do that once, I will get back into the habit of not going. This is not an option. A hot bath and a little extra sleep should help me shake this off.