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"If you’re a freak like me, Wave your flag! If you’re a freak like me, Get off your ass! It’s our time now, To let it all hang out!" I am a recovering English major, closet bibliophile, breve addicted, zombie lover with a rockabilly and heavy metal fetish.
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Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Go Take a Nap Already!

I still have not taken a nap. I got involved with Mindfreak and Dr. Phil. On Dr. Phil, they are discussing the book 17 Day Diet. What does everyone think about it? I stumbled on a blog detailing someone's personal journey following the diet this year. It seems like an interesting concept, but I fear any movement from the diet. Yes, losing weight is a lifestyle change, but something about this diet feels like a cage. If you don't follow, religiously, you're screwed. I really push against something like that. If I feel trapped in something, I really resist trying it.

I admit it, eating healthier makes me feel that I have absolutely no freedom. Sometimes I want a soda, pasta sounds good, etc. I have an overactive guilt complex, so even allowing myself soda in moderation, I feel very guilty! How do you overcome this? How do you feel free instead of bound?

Reading through a lot of the healthy eating cookbooks and how-to books, I feel so discouraged. I hate fish! That isn't even strong enough. No matter what sea food I eat, it hits my stomach and comes back. Then it turns into vomiting bile. Needless to say, fish is out. Add to that, I'm not overly fond of fowl. I grew up listening to my grandfather say, "Fowl is foul." If I'm honesty with myself, I don't mind chicken. My problem, I am very, very picky about my meat. Any visible veins, grizzle, etc., I cannot eat it. If I find them AFTER it is cooked, I cannot continue eating it. I know fowl is a lot leaner than red meat, but it's just too damn obvious. I don't like cutting fat off my meat. I hate seeing it, cutting it, you name it. Seriously, I cannot even touch raw meat!! Needless to say, I cook with gloves on and stick to 93% lean hamburger. And I love red meat . . . I cannot completely give it up and go vegetarian. And cheese!! I love cheese!! Extra sharp cheddar!! Yummy! :-9

Anyways, lol, this is kind of a rambling post. I guess, what do people think of the 17 day diet plan? How do you keep yourself from feeling trapped inside a diet? How to you work around your weird food likes/dislikes?



spice2116 said...

i read a little bit about that diet and although the idea of it seems really cool the though of trying to conform to certain foods overwhelms me that is why i shy away from 'diets'

Anonymous said...

I don't know that diet, but if you don't give yourself some slack here and there, it will fail! My boyfriend (he only has 30 lbs to lose, grrr, and he can do it quickly, even more grrr), sets his Sunday as "eat anything day." I mean, he doesn't binge, but he knows he has an outlet for one day a week where he can order whatever he wants from whatever restaurant and it's ok. He gets a sausage sandwich with fries from this pub he loves to go to. I think that concept is healthy - give yourself the freedom to eat badly (within moderation of course). I think that helps releive some of the pressure!

Good luck, and congrats for making it for so long at the gym!