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"If you’re a freak like me, Wave your flag! If you’re a freak like me, Get off your ass! It’s our time now, To let it all hang out!" I am a recovering English major, closet bibliophile, breve addicted, zombie lover with a rockabilly and heavy metal fetish.
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Sunday, September 26, 2010

Curiouser and Curiouser

I'm been reading Never Say Diet on and off last night and today. I agree that a lifestyle changes must first come from our way of thinking about things and acceptance. However, while reading, I discovered a few landmines in her thought process. She makes it clear that her motivating factor was based on poor self-image and mind-reading. I have poor self-image, but I know that it won't change when/if I lose weight. I am who I am, with weight or without. And, after thinking about it, my self-image and self-esteem come from something more internal. The weight issue is just adding fuel to the fire.

She mentioned that she didn't like the way people looked at her. Well, how does she know? I don't know about her, but I cannot read peoples' mind. She mentions this as a part of losing control, which she uses as another huge basis for losing weight on her part (w/ diets you just kind of give up and do what they tell you to). But, you know what? I cannot control other people. The only person I can control is myself. It it my choice to look around and interpret everything as negative. Yes, I am guilty of it, but other people do not do it to me. And, if they are thinking bad thoughts, so what? I can either give them/negative feelings power in my life, or I can take charge and refuse to listen to the lies I tell myself. Losing weight/changing your lifestyle should never be about what you perceive others think of you. That is not healthy!

Another pet peeve, she talks about how diets don't work when the force you to eat things you hate. I can accept that; however, she then goes on to discuss how she did not allow anything she liked to enter her mouth. I understand, to a point. Changing your lifestyle and eating habits is not about denial! A balance needs to be made. Okay, you like to eat a slice of cheese cake once in a while. So what? Continued denial will only cause you to want it more. *shrug*

She decided to look at food as being bad. That turned into saying that food was not supposed to be fun; it was only necessary as fuel. Okay, okay, I can see the logic in that. But is food itself really the enemy? Why we chose to not accept our own issues (overeating, binging, etc.) and personify food by projecting these human traits on it? Does it really make weight loss that much better? Blaming something else instead of understanding your part doesn't allow change.

*shrug* These are my thoughts on the what I've read so far. I like the companion book, but I'm not going to follow it to a T. Adding stuff on the stability ball is cool, continue upping my time/intensity on the elliptical machine is good, but I want to stick with the stuff the PT told me to concentrate on. Also, I'm going to take everything at face value. She just provides different ideas and options to follow. Keeping a food journal and monitoring your physical activities are a good thing to keep you focused and accountable.

In less thoughtful news, I really don't want to got to the gym tomorrow! I got over half my tattoo coloured (he wants to do another sitting on Nov. 6), and it HURTS! Just doing simple movements really hurts. It feels bruised, tight, etc. Well, that means I need to be easier on my arm related exercises.


Joy said...

Hi Sinn,

You have to make this journey your own. I find what works for everybody else, does not work for me. Used to really make me mad!

Now I'm happy with my plan. It's working, I have peace in my life and I'm having "fun" getting this weight off. Never, ever, ever thought I would say such a thing!!

It a new lifestyle. Whatever I do to get this done, I have to do the rest of my life. I don't ever, ever, ever want to gain it back.

So sorry you are in pain!! Take care of yourself!!
