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"If you’re a freak like me, Wave your flag! If you’re a freak like me, Get off your ass! It’s our time now, To let it all hang out!" I am a recovering English major, closet bibliophile, breve addicted, zombie lover with a rockabilly and heavy metal fetish.
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Sunday, July 25, 2010

Just a though

Couldn't obesity and bulimia/anorexia been seen as the same thing only on the extreme ends of the scale? I guess what I mean is that they can all be viewed as an eating disorder. That being the case, why is our society promoting bulimia and anorexia? While they are doing this, they attack fat people. Why does my insurance rate have to go up if I'm over a certain weight? Couldn't somebody suffering from anorexia or bulimia have the same risk factor?

In older cultures fat women were considered beautiful and healthy. Now you get yelled at for being a certain BMI (which has been proven to be complete bullshit), a certain weight, etc. At what point do we need to start focusing on health?

Example: If I'm an overweight person who exercises several times a day, know all of my blood workup (which, for the sake of this example, is very, very good), etc. Why am I considered a risk factor? Why do people tell me I'm not healthy? At what point did health become synonymous with being skinny?

I'm tired of hearing, "It is your own fault that you're fat." You know, everyone is born with the total amount of fat cells they will ever have. At some level, being a larger person can be a genetic issue. I'm not saying that it gives us the license to go out and binge eat and stop taking care of ourselves!

What if I never lose weight? What if I cannot return to the size 14? Does that automatically make me unhappy?

I would rather have an overweight child who loves and accepts who they are than a child constantly worrying about self-image/pleasing others. I believe very strongly that happiness is one of the keys to good health!

**If this post is offensive to some people due to eating disorders and the like, I'm sorry! I am in no way trying to attack those people. My point is our societIal view of health and weight.**


Happy Fun Pants said...

I completely agree with you - I would WAY rather have a kid that was overweight but has healthy attitudes towards food, fuel, and exercise than one who isn't.

I believe that when health is a motivating factor, rather than a size or number on the scale, we're more successful anyway.