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"If you’re a freak like me, Wave your flag! If you’re a freak like me, Get off your ass! It’s our time now, To let it all hang out!" I am a recovering English major, closet bibliophile, breve addicted, zombie lover with a rockabilly and heavy metal fetish.
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Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Random update

Angel left this afternoon. In some ways I'm happy to get the house back to myself, but that means I need to stop avoiding things. My cookbooks are calling from the shelf telling me that I need to start menu planning. I'm still trying to get hubby to find out about the rec center and company. I need to start yoga and pilates again. It is kind of hard to work through with someone else in the house.

We watched Zombieland this morning. Angel had never seen it. In honour of it, she bought a box of Twinkies and Zingers. She decided to leave me half of what was left :P I might eat a few, but I don't need all that junk in my system. Even under normal conditions, I don't really eat that type of food. I might send it with my skinny hubby to work. I'm sure a lot of people would appreciate them.

Goofing off on the internet has heralded some neat things. I've found a couple of blogs devoted to low fat cooking. The recipes look awesome! It encourages me! Voicing my fears helped me to see that this lifestyle change is not about denying myself. It is about finding a balance. Hey, Coke once in awhile won't kill me. Occasionally going to one of our favorite restaurants is not something to avoid. Everything in moderation. I am fully convinced that God created food for us to enjoy. We just allow it to become a god and stronghold in our life. I'm tired of letting that rule my life.

Paying close attention to the people around me, I notice that I'm not that far off. I just need to rethink things. We only eat out for convenience, so making weekly menus will help. I'm already on the bandwagon of portion control. I won't have issues maintaining that.

I got a couple of graphic novels in the mail yesterday. My hubby's aunt gave me a large gift certificate to Amazon for my graduation gift. I completely splurged and got a couple of books, graphic novels, some new car seat covers (all pink skulls ^_~), and other things. Lol, more stuff to contribute to my rather sedate lifestyle :P

Tell me, is it bad to enjoy sitting and reading a book, playing a video game, watching a movie? I've always been rather stationary.

I put in for another job this past week. The City is hiring some office associate. The University is also hiring for the same type of position. I'm praying that God will bring something to me. For some reason I don't want to work a "you-want-fries-with-that" job after getting my degree.

A week ago, we all went to the Renaissance Festival in Larkspur Colorado. They had a booth selling awesome belly dancing silks. I would love to go back, buy some, and find a good belly dancing DVD. I'm all about doing things in the privacy of my own home *^_^*


spice2116 said...

i am pretty stationary too. a little too much time on the computer and reading a book. once in a while i get out of my solitary mode and move which is always better in the end

good luck with your job interviews. focus on getting and you will :)