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"If you’re a freak like me, Wave your flag! If you’re a freak like me, Get off your ass! It’s our time now, To let it all hang out!" I am a recovering English major, closet bibliophile, breve addicted, zombie lover with a rockabilly and heavy metal fetish.
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Friday, August 20, 2010

Tale of the Yummy Gyoza

My guilt complex is really trying to get the better of me. Maybe Prozac is helping take off the edge of guilt and anxiety. I really don't want to have that feeling in my head. It is quieter than is used to be. Without counseling and medication, I would be so overrun with guilt and anxiety that I would cease functioning. I'm sitting here drinking my Wild Cherry Pepsi and not fully caring.

This week hasn't not been the best as far as food is concerned. Ask my Peps; gyoza at the sushi place; Taco Bell burritos; ice cream; and ice cold, bottled Coke.

While I was doing my reading this afternoon, and this passage really stuck out to me:

Everyone I've known who lost or maintained weight for the long term as done it on their one. Not with Zone Delivery, not with Pilates -- at least not completely. The long-term weight-loss winner generally makes her own pupu platter of what works. It's usually some cardio plus some stretch and a hike once a week, along with alow-carb diet and daily a treat. Or else it's dance aerobics twice a week and yoga twice a week and a walk with the kids plus a vegetarian diet and a lot of Popsicles. Whatever it is, it's about assessing all the information and making a plan that works for you. -A Fat Girl's Guide to Life

This really spoke to me. I'm not sure why, but I feel as though I'm at least on the right path. While watching my hubby eat sushi, I started thinking about what I accomplished vs. where I've stumbled:

  • I've been eating healthier than before
  • I've been working at maintaining it for three weeks and have been fairly successful
  • For the past 3 weeks, I have kept up with my daily exercise and enjoying my lazy weekends
  • I've been at the gym steadily for about 1.5 weeks
  • Accomplished 5 continuous minutes on the elliptical machine
  • Learned that a weekly menu is better than willy-nilly
  • Thinking about why I snack and assessing whether I am hungry or not.
  • Finding out that I really CAN do it!
Here is a quote to think about while at the gym:

Overweight people not only have more fast than the slender, they ofter have comparatively more muscle. When you gain weight because of overeating, you put three-quarters of that weight as fat but one quarter of that weight is muscle. Fat people are so cowed into self-loathing that they don't realize the potential they carry. If they choose to exercise their submerged muscle on a regular basis, they'll be able to beat the sprat out of ant thin ones that call them pigs. -Woman: An Intimate Geography