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"If you’re a freak like me, Wave your flag! If you’re a freak like me, Get off your ass! It’s our time now, To let it all hang out!" I am a recovering English major, closet bibliophile, breve addicted, zombie lover with a rockabilly and heavy metal fetish.
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Monday, August 2, 2010

Day 1

Observation - Day 1: Fat-free milk is really some government conspiracy. Instead of a calcium enriched liquid, we have water with one eyedropper of milk. Therefore, I ask, "Do you want a little milk with your water?"

Needless to say, Cheerios were not that enjoyable with water. They kind of taste gross :P I only consume milk when I eat breakfast, so I'm going back to the real stuff. The calories really don't bother me when it comes to milk.

Day 1 started with Pilates first thing. Juneau wanted to come in about 5min into the workout. She behaved very well this time. I only had to push her away from the yoga mat twice! Yay!

During Pilates, I remembered that I didn't weigh myself or get out my tape measure to take all my measurements. I've decided to do a weigh-in twice a month: 1st and 15th. Heehee, tomorrow I'll try to remember to step on the scale before I feed the cats.

The gym/rec center plan has hit a roadblock. My gym-buddy has a membership to the campus gym, but graduation means I cannot get a membership. My husband's company pays half of the cost for a membership at the rec center. All good, right? Wrong. My buddy doesn't necessarily have $350+ to shell out. I dunno. She going to do some checking and get back to me. I would like a buddy to go with, but I might have to bite the bullet and go by myself. I need to learn self motivation and discipline. It's good for me ^_~

In an attempt to get cardio regularly, I'm planning on trying to get Juneau out for a walk 1/day. Also, I want to pull my DDR pad out. I loved playing it when I got it. My Pilates video has an accelerated fat workout, and I want to try to work up to it. It is 50min and will definitely kick my ass!

I applied for three more positions at the University. Two of them are part-time and one is full-time. I would rather get the full-time positions because the bigger salary will help out money situation better. Also, with either position, I can get a membership at the gym on campus. As far as machines and free-weights, they are far superior to the rec center. I'm crossing my fingers, praying, and trying to trust God. Man, that is easier said (or typed ^_~) than done ;P


spice2116 said...

i never understood why people would want watered down milk. lol it's all about control.

best of success with your interviews.