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"If you’re a freak like me, Wave your flag! If you’re a freak like me, Get off your ass! It’s our time now, To let it all hang out!" I am a recovering English major, closet bibliophile, breve addicted, zombie lover with a rockabilly and heavy metal fetish.
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Sunday, August 8, 2010

Week 1 in Review/Week 2 Goals

Goals 8/1 - 8/7:
  • Get my bike tires filled
  • Start riding my bike again /get Juneau used to walking with a bike so she can join me later
  • Walk Juneau down to the mail box everyday -- working on "heel"
  • Walking with hubby and Juneau in the park Friday evening (I hope to make this more of a several-times-a-week occurrence)
  • Try one of my other Pilates DVDs, and try the accelerated fat burning workout
  • Find time for both yoga and DDR
  • Figure out the rec center drama (I'm tempted just to get a membership and go by myself)
  • Take some time for just me -- reading book, playing video games, etc
Last week went a lot better than I had anticipated. I had a few missteps, but it went really well. A lot of the outdoors goals went south. The weather here was pretty unpredictable. The other day quarter-sized hail was beating down. Needless to say, I didn't want to go outside! However, I did get Juneau walked one time ^_~ Aside from that, I followed my exercises very well. The sculpting pilates DVD kicked my ass. I was excited!

Goals 9/8 - 9/15:
  • Get out and ride my bike
  • Work with Juneau
  • Getting a tour -- and hopefully and membership -- of the rec center
  • Continue changing up the pilates DVDs
  • Try to alternate yoga and DDR
  • Choose better snack ideas/snack a little less
  • If I get a membership at the rec center, start heading over there in the morning after dropping hubby off at work
Today I was a little bit better with food, but found myself snacking a lot. In all honesty, I'm not sure if I was hunger or it was out of habit. Some of it was due to hunger, but it wasn't the whole reason.

Success: My parents moved to Memphis, TN a few years back. They have been trying to sell their house since March. Their Realtor is cocky and arrogant. When people are brought to the house, he never makes sure to check his listing. Most of the lights have been burnt out because they have been left on, almost all the cabinets were open, etc. Anyways, my parents want me to stop by the house and make sure everything is fine. They also want me to work on some cleaning while I'm there.

To the point, the house is built into a hill and has a two-story climb up the stairs and into the house. When I was still a teenager, I could fly up the stairs without being out of breath. There is also a staircase to the upper bedrooms -- mine was up there. Anyways, this afternoon was the first time for a long while that I felt energized to walk up! Granted, I was still out of breath, but I didn't feel tired or anything. The same happened with the stairs to the upper story. I don't know if it was due to the weekly exercise, increased energy from eating better, or what, but it was awesome!

I'm sitting in front of the TV while typing on my computer. Silent Hill is on. It makes me want to get out my copy. I have one of the later games in the series. But the whole thought creeps me out! I freakin' love that game, but it scares the shit out of me. I know I need to head upstairs, but I want to avoid it. I know there are nasty monsters lurking up there! For heaven's sake, I saw Pyramid Head!!!! Thankfully, according to Wiki, I don't ever have to face him. I will see him a few more times, but that's it. However, I need to remind myself that Batman: Arkham Asylum is waiting to be finished. I'm pretty close to confronting Killer Croc. yay!

I got a couple of CDs this afternoon. I'm planning on ripping them and putting them on my iPod. The idea of making a workout playlist makes me giddy! *^_^*


Losing It said...

Good first week! Here's to another, even better week ahead :)